AUGUST 17TH, 2019

My dream job is something related to museums. When I was a little kid I used to love go to museums with my classmates, it was fantastic. It’s been already 2 years since I graduated from high school and I never really had an idea of something to do in the future, but now I think I do.

When I finished my high school I did a test named ENEM, it’s like that test americans have to do it too, but I can’t remember the name. I had a good grade, but I wanted Architecture & Urbanism, so I needed more than just a good grade, I needed something better, so I was reject.

I stayed a year studying in a preparatory course for this test, and I failed again. I was tired to study so much, and I got accepted by a private university (Here in Brazil, the public university are the best one to study, it’s necessary the ENEM. Some private universities not necessarily need ENEM). I did 1 semester and I realised that Architecture wasn’t for me, I quit.

Now I’m here studying by myself waiting for ENEM again, but now museology is my goal, and I think it’s going to be ok!

BUT, my country doesn’t valorize art and culture, which sucks. I hate you Bolsonaro, hope you burn in hell.